Download "How to Find Ultra High Net Worth Clients"

Specialized Financial Planning for Special Needs Clients

Mike Walther is a Certified Financial Planner who founded Oak Wealth Advisors in 2008 so that families seeking experienced and objective special needs financial planning advice could access the same quality of service previously only provided to wealthy families. Mike has a brother on the Autism spectrum. 

In this episode, Brian and Mike discuss: 

  1. Why Every Dollar Matters in Wealth Advisory 
  2. Navigating Nuances When Planning for Special Needs Clients
  3. Enhancing Client Outcomes Through Specialty Financial Review Services
  4. Strategies for Sustaining Wealth Across Generations


Talk With Brian Directly On How FourStar Can Help Grow Your Practice!

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FourStar Wealth Advisor LLC.

FourStar Wealth Advisors is a Registered Investment Advisor firm headquartered in Chicago. FourStar Wealth is an independent firm without the conflicts or restrictions of the old school firms. Money and wealth are tools to help investors get where they are going and achieve their hopes and dreams. We would like the opportunity to help you realize your hopes and dreams by achieving your financial goals.

Download "How to Find Ultra High Net Worth Clients" Guide